<span>Billy is fat. He has cakes and chocolate for breakfast. He has sweets and jam for lunch. Yesterday Billy ate two box of chocolates, fifteen pieces of cake and ten bags of sweets. He doesn`t eat cabbage and carrots. Billy doesn`t like to run and jump. He <span>can`t</span> swim. Billy is sad. Can you help my friend Billy?</span>
child, bear, lesson, snowman, fox, woman, man
men, snowmen, women, foxes, children, boxes
duck, ballon, telepfone, song, picture, horse, businessman, number
babies, ladies, stories, momkeys, businessmen
<span>3-4 классы<span>1*11B21А31C41B</span><span>2B12C22B32В42C</span><span>3C13C23C33*43*</span><span>4В14C24В34*44А</span><span>5C15C25А35В45В</span><span>6*16C26B36B46B</span><span>7A17B27B37C47C</span><span>8B18A28C38*48*</span><span>9C19A29A39*49A</span><span>10A20*30C40B50<span>А
вот держите пожалуйста есле что обращяйтесь</span></span></span>
I have a cat. Its name pushok
Cat like eat and sleep. My Pet running fast. My Pet don't like be alone. I Love My Pet So much