I would like to know about this video game - Sure, I'll tell you.
- I'd really appreciate it .
-To this game is a gift set-top box and it is a very popular video game at the moment in the world.
- Thank You
Mr Cox: Так, Даниэль, это твоя комната. Что ты думаешь?
Daniel: Это очень хорошо.
Mr Cox: Рад, что нравится. Теперь запомни несколько правил. Ты не должен шуметь, и комната не должна быть грязной.
Daniel: Ах, я понял. Могут ли мои друзья приходить?
Mr Cox: Только если они студенты этой школы. И только между часом дня и девятью вечера.
Daniel: Ох, я понял. Могу я приносить еду из столовой сюда?
Mr Cox: Не совсем. Можно только закуски и безалкогольные напитки в твоей комнате. Но помни, твоя комната должна быть всегда чистой.
Daniel: Эм, ладно. Спасибо, Мистер Кокс.
Mr Cox: Надеюсь тебе будет удобно здесь, Дэниэль.
There is a newspaper on the desk. 2. On our street a few new houses. 3. Moya apartment in an old house . 4. pis rary table standing at the window . 5. In this room, a lot of light outside . 6. On the window sills there are no flowers . 7. In the room there is no furniture except chairs. 8. In my room little furniture . 9. This furniture is modern constructions . tion . She is beautiful and easy to use. 10. On the walls are several paintings by contemporary young artists . 11. Chairs standing cro . La in the middle of the room. 12. Above the table alektrichesky light. 13. This low sofa . This sofa is low. 14. bookshelf hanging (located mu) over the sofa . 15. Give me some magazine pozhaluy- Please please Thank you . ( It is not necessary . ) 16. Do not ask the same question . 17. Do you have hot water at home? 18. Send her another letter . 19. Allow me to close the door . 20. Let it us about his new races tale. 21. Tell us the end of the story Ta story has a good ending -We hear
The word "club" it used in (1) many languages. A club is usually
connected with (2) some sport or social activities. But in (3) London it
sometimes has a peculiar English meaning. When you hear a man talking
about (4) "my club", you can be sure he means one of (5) the West End
clubs of (6) which he is a member. Most of (7) them are located in
(8) the same small area which is know as St. James. The oldest club was
opened in (9) 1693 and was a coffee house. From the end of the 17th
century and to the first half of the 18th century, coffee houses were
visited by (10) people as places of social meetings and they were in
(11) Vienna and other European capitals.