<span>America, the UK and many European countries start school the same month as I do.</span><span> (Америка, Великобритания и многие европейские страны начинают ходить в школу в том же месяце, как я.)
1 They won't be
2 There aren't
3 They aren't
4 There isn't
5 It isn't
<span>1. I enjoy the most thrilling__ rides at the fun fair.
2. I like to take part in debates or discussions__.
3. Music plays a significant__ role in my life.
4. I can multiply measurements__ in my head easily.
5. I'd rather draw a diagram than give someone verbal__ instructions__.
6. I make frequent reference__ to things that I've heard or read.
7. I find music that is out of tune very annoying__.
8. I am sensitive__ to other peoples' feel.
9. I play at least one sport or do a physical__ activities__ regularly
10. I have a good sense of direction__.
11. I find new scientific__ development__ interesting__.
12. I have several close personal__ friends.
1.cross the road onto the green or at a pedestrian crossing.
<span>1.переходи дорогу на зеленый цвет или по пешеходному переходу.
</span>2.Before you cross the road look left first then right
2.Прежде чем перейти дорогу сначала посмотри на лево потом на право
3.Don't go on the road, walk on the pavement
3.Не ходи по дороге, ходи по тротуару/
4.Don't play on the road or close to it
4.Не играй на дороге или близко к ней
Вставляй вместо прпусков:
1. My
3. Her
4. Their
5. Our