2 A fotographer is someone,who takes picture
3 A Firefighter is a person ,who saves People's Lives
4 a Dolphin is an animal, it is very clever.
5 Neil Armstrong was the first man ,who walked on the moon
6Football is a Sport. Many People love playing football.
1 White bears live in the north - Белые медведи живут на севере.
2 People grow oranges in the south - Люди выращивают апельсины на юге.
3 People don`t grow coffee in the north - Люди не выращивают кофе на севере
4 It never snows in the south of our country in summer - На юге нашей страны никогда не идет снег летом
5 The Black Sea is in the south of our country - Черное море находится на юге нашей страны
6 It often snow in the north in winter. - Зимой на севере часто идет снег
About a year ago I was traveling around the planet earth with a dream to find something supernatural ! I traveld by planes , by feet , by ships . But I couldn't find anything ! That made me so sad because I was just spending years of my life on something unreal ! All my friends were telling me to stop and were explaning me that I won't find anything ! But I was telling them that I will because I'm strong enough and that my dream took over ! Once I was traveling trough the Baltic Sea . Nothing special right ? But I felt like I will find what I was looking for , there ! It was Tuesday 9:00 pm my cat was getting crazy but I didn't mind even tough he was too loud that I couldn't sleep ! I went out of my room and saw a big rainy cloud coming near and the waves were getting crazy big but I was telling my self : don't be scared Alex you are stronger then you think . It didn't REALY help so I grabed my cat and went back to bed ! But not for long ! I felt like something is wrong I was right again ! I hopped of my bed and felt like it was water under my feet ! I was walking around for about 5 minutes and only then I realized that we are going used water ! I started to panic but then something in my bedroom appeared ! And told : Don't be scared just dive ! I went outside and just followed the instructions ! I dived In to water ! And I started to drown I had no air left in my lungs and i uderstud that I am going to die ! So I just closed my eyes and relaxed . But I'm a moment someone from under water grabbed me and took me out of water . When I opened my eyes saw a water dragon and a pretty girl by me ! Did you really follow the instructions I gave you?! You are the first one who did ! As you can see I'm a mermaid ! Ya sounds scary but I took you out of water ! Oh and I know about your dream so here you go you can have my island and my water dragon if you want ! But now I have to go she told ! She kissed me on the cheek but I didn't mind because my dream came true And i survived !
Лагерные/походные каникулы очень популярны среди молодежи. Это дешевый и простой способ, чтобы увидеть страну. Но мы должны помнить одну важную вещь-мы должны взять с собой только то, что мы можем нести в рюкзаке. Мы должны знать, что, когда погода дождливая рюкзак может стать тяжелее. Мы должны начать, чтобы упаковать ранее крайней мере, день или два перед нашим отпуском. Потому что иногда много вещей взяты и когда мы доберемся до места, мы видим, что самые важные вещи забываются-матч или консервный нож. Когда мы путешествуем с друзьями некоторые вещи могут быть общими и других должны быть приняты каждым путешественником.
Правило такое:
<em>с неисчисляемыми существительными используем "</em><em>a little</em><em>", </em>
<em>а с исчисляемыми существительными — "</em><em>a few</em><em>":</em>
1. a little lemonade
2. a few men
3. a little milk
4. a few sweets
5. a few women
6. a few houses
7. a little money
8. a few friends
9. a little snow