<span>1) When I think about the
future, I think about new electronic technologies and about progress in
different areas. Когда я думаю о будущем,
я думаю о развитии электроники и о новых достижениях в различных сферах.
2) I'm
looking forward to new discoveries in medicine and to space discoveries. Я с
нетерпением жду новых открытий в медицине и в освоении космоса.
3) I'm
afraid of new serious diseases and new war technologies</span>
<span>Я боюсь (появления) новых серьёзных заболеваний и (создания)
новых систем вооружения.
Не знаю сколько фраз нужно было использовать!!! Взяла по две в каждом предложении!</span>
A person would be serious, brave, intelligent, hard working, intelligent and inquisitive to get result.
1. Sunny - сонячно;
2. sun - сонце;
3. beach - пляж ;
4. sea - море ;
5. computer games - комп‘ютерні ігри; 6.football - футбол;
7. basketball - баскетбол;
8. books - книги;
9. tennis - теніс ;
10.sports - спорт;
11. hot - гарячий ;
12. merriment - веселощі;
13. hanging out with friends - гуляти з друзями;
14.walking with the dog - гуляти з собакою;
15. ice cream-морозиво .
I just don't think the way we work will change dramatically. I think we are going to move on up intellectually and come up with brilliant ideas in terms of technology, business etc. Basically technology related education is of real importance nowadays that's why governments put a lot of effort to modernize everything thus encouraging people to get that kind of education and thus cretaing a lot of jobs in that sphere especially in computer science. I also think that medicine, commerce, travelling and many others are extremely promising. I don't think any profession will just die out because it's just irrational. As i said i do not think the way we work will be completely different in, say, 20 or 30 years. We'll just gradually go up the 'techny ladder'.