Present simple - you sing
Present continuous you are singing
Present simple he sings
Present continuous he is singing
Present simple she sings
Present continuous she is singing
Present simple it sings
Present continuous it is singing
Present continuous we are singing
Present simple you sing
Present continuous you singing
Present simple they sing
Present simple they sing
Кит самое большое животное из когда-либо живших на земле.Они даже больше динозавров.Они не рыбы.Они очень большие млекопитающие , которые живут в море.У них есть лёгкие и они должны дышать воздухом, чтобы выжить.Синий кит 33 метра длиной и весит почти 200 тонн.Он больше, чем 23 слона.Он получил своё название за серо-голубой цвет. Учёные думают, что синие киты живут по меньшей мере 80-90 лет. Они живут во всех океанах мира.Синие киты едят криль.Обычно им нужно примерно 4 тонны пищи каждый день.Горбатый кит известен своим пением.Учёные часто используют подводные микрофоны, чтобы записать его.
Shall I cut the grass in the garden ?
Shall I buy some potatoes ?
Shall I make dinner ?
Shall I clean the window ?
Shall I wash the dishes ?
Shall I go to the shops ?
Shall I take the dog out?
Shall I do the flat ?
Shall I tell you a fable?
Shall I meet your grandparents ?
1. there is
2. there is
3. there are
4. there aren't
5. there is
6. there aren't
7. there are
8. there isn't
Why I learn English? In today's world, it will be difficult to do without the knowledge of the English language. It is useful to me in my work. Or when I'm traveling. English is one of the world's language, it is important because many countries speak English. Learning languages is interesting and can show your education. If I am fluent in English, I will be able to meet people from other countries. I will not have problems with the exams and I can go to college in other countries and to get a stronger education. I can be more successful in my life.