Wats Up(Как дела) ? , Hi(Привет) Папулечка1
Вопрос : перевод с английского на русский then write
Ответ : если досконально и точно то then write - потом напишу
Моя мама добровольно помогает пожилым людям по средам. Она просит пожилых людей в местном доме престарелых. Иногда моя мама просит меня помочь ей. Я помогаю пациентам получить то, что им нужно, или читаю им книги. Здорово, когда я хожу по комнате, а они улыбаются! Поддержка пожилых людей также помогает самим себе. Вы узнаете о чувствах и потребностях людей и станете более заботливым человеком. Когда-нибудь мы станем старыми, и нам понадобятся люди, чтобы заботиться о нас. Показывать сочувствие другим людям действительно хорошо. Мне нравится делать то, что помогает другим. Я не получаю деньги. Но я чувствую себя хорошо, когда знаю, что это важно. (Хилари Предди, 12).
Немного подкорректировать нужно
1)go 2)i do 3)watch 4)setting the table 5)незнаю 6)plays 7)watch 8)тоже незнаю. Надеюсь хоть чем-то помог...
1. Не told me that they were staying at the Grand Europe Hotel.
2. He said that they were leaving the next Monday.
3. The clerk toldnthem that they could leave the key with the maid upstairs.
4. Masha said that he usually spent his holidays in the south.
5. She said that she had spent her holidays in the Crimea the previous year.
6. Boris said that he went to the south every year.
7. He said that he was going to a health resort the following day.
8. Ann told us that they hadn't yet come.
9. She told us that they had arrived in St. Petersburg the previous day.
10. I said that I had been in London the previous year and my friends in London sometimes invited me to spend my holidays with them.
11. Nick said that he had never been to London. He thought he would go here the next year.
12. He said that he would not stay with his friends too long.
Mary: This is a lovely room, Jane.
Jane: I`m glad you like it. It is always a pleasure to sit here and read magazines and newspapers after a long day in the office. And where do you live in St. Petersburg, Mary?
Mary: We live in a four-room flat in a new district of St. Petersburg.
Jane: Is your flat comfortable?
Mary: Yes, it is very comfortable. There is very much built-in furniture in our hall and in the kitchen. Our windows are large and the rooms are light.
Jane: In which room do you like to spend evening hours?
Mary: I like to spend my evening hours in the sitting-room. We usually watch television there or listen to music on the records.
Jane: Yes, it is always nice to spend a quiet evening with the family.
Mary: I think so too.