A Little Red Apple
A little red apple
Hung high in a tree.
I looked up at it,
And it looked down at me.
"Come down, please," I called.
And what do you suppose?
That little red apple
<span>Dropped right on my nose! </span>
Автор этой книги - the author of this book.
When the week starts on Ponidelnik then I get up and go to school there .... I spend most of the day ... and then come home and do my homework walk play .... and so the whole week ... and on Saturday and Sunday usually spend time at home with his parents and younger brother ...
Sup, hi, hello - все это можно использовать при приветствии. То есть "Sup" это практически тоже что и "Hi", "Hello".
1. fair, glasses
2. beard
3. short
4. dark
5. moustache