<span>I read a lot of books. I especially like the work of adventure and magic, any magicians , fairies and magical things. And so my favorite book - a " Wizard of Oz" . It was written by Alexander Volkov . More precisely , I love the whole series of books about the adventures of a girl Dorothy in Oz . This includes more " Oorfene Deuce and his Wooden Soldiers ," " Seven Underground Kings ."
<span>I like books about Oz for fiction with which they are written. They even inanimate objects come to life . Woodman walks and talks , wooden soldiers go to war. Even a stuffed Scarecrow, stuffed with straw, is very smart and resourceful.
</span><em>Я читаю много книг. Особенно мне нравятся произведения о приключениях и волшебстве, всяких чародеях, феях и волшебных вещах. И поэтому моя любимая книжка — это «Волшебник Изумрудного города». Ее написал Александр Волков. Точнее, я люблю всю серию книг о приключениях девочки Элли в Волшебной стране. Сюда входят еще «Урфин Джюс и его деревянные солдаты», «Семь подземных королей».</em><span><em>Мне нравятся книги о Волшебной стране за выдумку, с которой они написаны. В них оживают даже неживые предметы. Железный Дровосек ходит и говорит, деревянные солдаты идут на войну. Даже чучело Страшила, набитое соломой, оказывается очень умным и изобретательным.</em></span>
Таволга<span>. Многолетнее луговое травянистое растение семейства </span><span>розовых с соцветиями душистых желтовато-белых или розоватых цветков</span>
1 .I'm very hungry. I think <span>I shall have a snack.
2. I'm thirsty. I think</span><span>I shall drink some water.
3. I'm ill. I think</span><span>I shall go to the doctor.
4. I'm cold. I think</span><span>I shall get dressed.
5. I'm hot. I think </span>I shall doff the coat.
Our class is very spacious. There are two images with primitive people. A lot of plants and bookshelves. Large windows, lots of desks and chairs. Projector, whiteboard and computer. But in our class do not have TV and blinds. Вот и все
1 has finished, 2 has scored, 3 have watched, 4 has run, 5 has bought, 6 have lost, 7 has written, 8 have eaten, 9 have watched, 10 have started, 11 has studied, 12 has dropped, 13 has rained, 14 have had, 15 have known, 16 have lived, 17 has had, 18 has lived.