Большинство дренажных систем состоят из длинной плитки, проложенной на глубине от 3 до 4 футов (0,9-2,2 м) ниже поверхности поля. Избыток влаги фильтрует через трещины в трубе, а затем течет к открытым дренажным канавам на краю поля.
Who came to Moscow last year? My brother or my american friend came to Moscow last year? My american friend came to Moscow last year, did He?
Who often reads fairy tales? My friend often reads fairy tales or stories?
My friend often reads fairy tales, does He?
1 - was made
2 - were planted
3 - was sold
4 - were stung
5 - wasn't invited
2)Where did Henry and Andy have lunch?
3)Whe did Max buy ten postcards?
4)Where did they find the money?
5)What did you learn aboutrocks and plants?
6)When did hear the good news?
7)Which part of the coast did go to the class?