He writes the letter to the brother now.
The boy play soccer at present.
<span>I draw now a small picture.</span>
Laura asked Kim what the matter was.
Kim answered she had had enough.
Laura asked what she meant.
Kim said that it was Julie - her so-called friend - she had cancelled their plans again. She is always doing it and it hurts Kim's feelings.
Laura disagreed and said she looked so sweet and caring.
Kim said that it was what most people thought... On the contrary she only cared about herself and she only went out with her when she had nothing better to do.
Laura soothed Kim and asked if she was being a bit mean.
Kim denied that and said she might be nice to Laura... but she kept letting her down.
Laura suggeested they forgot about it and rented a DVD.
Kim agreed and asked if Laura had any ideas.
Laura suggested Forever Friends trying to remember what that comedy was called.
Kim exclaimed that was perfect.
I'd like to tell you about our school club. It's a club of sports lovers. In this club, we do different things. We dance there, do gymnastic exercises, play sports games and just have fun. I love my sports club!
Я хотел бы рассказать вам о нашем школьном клубе. Это клуб любителей спорта. В этом клубе, мы делаем разные вещи. Мы там танцуем, делаем гимнастические упражнения, играем в спортивные игры и просто веселимся. Я люблю свой спортивный клуб!
Моя любимая книга - "Алиса в стране чудес".My favourite book is - Alice in the wonderland.Это очень интересная и поучительная книга.It is very interesting and instructive book.Мой любимый персонаж - Алиса.My favourite character is - Alice.она совершает добрые поступки и путешествует по стране чудес.She is doing the good acts and traveling in the Wonderland.Это моя самая любимая книга.It is my most favourite book.
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