My brother's name is Benny
my sisters' names are Betty and Rosa
1. mouse – mice
2. rabbit – rabbits
3. deer – deer
4. horse – horses
5. sheep – sheep
6. fox – foxes (иногда fox)
7. fish – fish
8. tooth – teeth
9. tomato – tomatoes
10. game – games
11. duck – ducks
12. foot – feet
13. ostrich – ostriches
<span>1. I wouldn't have let my children watch TV if I had thought they were going to behave badly as a result.
2. lf my uncle hadn't chosen a life of crime, he wouldn't have been huppy.
3. What if you had locked the front door? Would that have stopped them?
4. lf the detective had seen the clue, the police might have cought them sooner.
5. You wouldn't have been a victim of identity theft you had kept your password secret.
6. lf l'd known she was the criminal, I would have never invited her to my house!</span>
1. You must wear a seat belt.
2. You must look both ways when you cross the road.
3. You must walk on the pavement.
4. You mustn`t talk to the driver.
5. You mustn`t run onto the road.
6. You mustn`t lean out the window.
Животный Мир в России
Россия больша и богата не только территориями — горами, морями, реками и лесами. Мир растений и животных тоже очень богат в нашей стране. Мы имеем много разных зверей и птиц, деревьев и цветов. Ты можешь найти волков и медведей, лис и зайцев, белок и ежей в наших лесах. Большие и могучие лоси тоже живут там . Олени живут на севере России, тигры на Дальнем Востоке.
Все русские люди знают названия этих животных. Ты можешь встретить их в русских сказках тоже. Сильные медведи, умные зайцы, хитрые лисы — это любимые герои сказок и басен.