Это неправильные глаголы!
Read read read
Write wrote written
Give gave given
<span> Take took taken
Buy bought bought
Bring brought brought
Know knew known
See saw seen
Think thought thought
Keep kept kept
Leave left left
Hear heard heard
Take took taken
Do did done
Feel felt felt
Fall fell fallen</span>
there is
there are
there isn't
there is
there aren't
there isn't
единственное число
Там есть большой рынок.
Там нет сада.
множественное число
Там есть египетские мумии.
Там нет динозавров.
1. The coldest
2. Larger
3. The longest
4. The highest
5. The longest
6. The most important
7. Better
8. Better
9. Less
10. Better
11. Best
12. Slower
One summer - первое лето, the summer - лето, вот теперь выбирай какое тебе подходит.