1) в первом ничего не надо, во втором - on
2) on, or
3) of
4) on, in
5) to
6) in, of
<span>1.Dave didn't go to the bank the other day. 2.He came in five minutes ago. 3.I looked for my cat yesterday. 4.Sally phoned her friend four times yesterday. 5.She took her dog for a walk three times yesterday. 6.I didn't ask him a question. 7.Sue went to Spain on holiday last week. 8.Jim and George didn't catch the tram yesterday morning. 9.We lived in a little house on the bank of the river last summer.</span>
Все отметила,если что,там есть 2 страдательных залога,но глаголы то не в 1 форме,так что их тоже подчеркнла
Toby Maguaira. He has got a blue eyes, dark hair. He's a friendly and good. He burn in the 27 Juin 1975 year. He's an american acter. His parents Vinsent and Vendy they aren't married, they were 20 years old. He aka Toby Maguaira producer and an actor (короче как то так полчуилось). #ярусский