Илппжохохл ррмл!ршжшизлмжл
Miss you!
Miss you!
Miss you!
Love YOU
Love YOU
1)Where did the friends want to go? They wanted to go on holiday by boat.
2)What could give Harris a good appetite? A long swim.
3)Why was cheese the "master" of all food in
summer? It would give its smell to
4)Whose idea was to take a tea-pot? <span> It was Harris’s idea.</span>
<span>1. Chris could contact "The Tigers" and ask them for a meeting, explaining what the problem is, and ask them to bring the computer back.
2. Chris could </span><span>arrange another meeting with "The Tigers" in order to rewrite the interview or to ask them </span><span>to bring his computer back.</span>
Sarah's friends are starting with her this week.