My hobby is football
my hobby is sport
my hobby is easy
and very
блин рифму бы ещё 1 придумать
1. it was snowing,when she looked out of the window
Robin Hood is a legendary hero of England. He lived in the twelfth century. The legend said Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest with his merry men.
Robin Hood and his merry men took money from the rich and gave it to the poor. There are many stories about them. Here is one of them.
One day Robin Hood was walking through the Forest with his men when he saw a young man. The young man was wearing a very fine red coat and singing merrily. The next morning Robin Hood saw the same young man without his fine coat. The young man was looking very sad. Robin Hood sent Little John to bring the young man. When the young man came to Robin Hood the latter asked him, "What is your name?" The young man answered that his name was Allan-a-Dale. Then Robin Hood asked:"Have you any money?" AIlan-a-Dale answered, "I have only five shillings and a ring that I have kept for seven years. I wanted to marry a nice young girl. Yesterday I went to marry her, but her father is against it. He wants to marry her to a rich old man. Now I am unhappy."
Robin Hood asked the young man: "What will you give me and my merry men if we help you to get your girl back again?" Allan-a-Dale had neither money nor gold, but he promised to be Robin Hood's true servant. So Robin Hood decided to help Allan-a-Dale and they all went to the town where the girl lived. When they came to the town they saw the girl Allan loved. She was going into the church with the rich old man. Robin Hood and his men went into the church and asked the priest to marry the girl to Allan-a-Dale.
<span>When the priest refused, Robin Hood pulled off the priest's coat and put it on Little John. So Little John married the young people and they returned together to the merry Greenwood.</span>
В 1845 году Айвазовский открыл первую экспозицию в своем доме, она насчитывала 49 работ. Под экспозицию была выделена небольшая часть дома. Спустя 35 лет, в 1880 году, Айвазовский пристроил еще один выставочных зал, который также спроектировал сам. Картинная галерея Айвазовского стала первым на территории Имперской России музеем одного художника. Великий художник завещал свою галерею родному городу, и после его смерти в 1900 году здание отошло во владение городского совета Феодосии.
С 1922 года галерея И.К. Айвазовского стала государственным музеем. На данный момент в музее находится самая большая коллекция произведений мастера, насчитывающая 417 работ. Общая же коллекция произведений на морскую тематику, находящихся в музее им. Айвазовского, насчитывает более 12 тысяч работ.
Самые известные работы Ивана Константиновича Айвазовского, представленные в музее: «Бриг „Меркурий“, атакованный двумя турецкими кораблями», «Севастопольский рейд», «Корабль „Мария“ на Северном море», «Георгиевский монастырь», «Море. Коктебель», а также самое большое живописное полотно Айвазовского «Среди волн», имеющее размер 282 на 425 см.