1 "I want to become a doctor"Alice said.
2 "I have already seen this film"......
3 "I have already seen this play last month"
4 "We will discuss these problems in a week"
5 "I am playing in the school volleyball team"
6 "I can't help you because I am busy"
Big-small, new-old, slow-fast Больше не знаю(((
Прибавляй суффикс ful. Например: hope - надежда: hopeful - полный надежд,
truth - truthful - правдивый
beauty - beautiful - красивый
pain - painful - болезненный
peace - peaceful - мирный
help - helpful - услужливый, полезный (помогающий)
colour - colourful - цветной; яркий
power - powerful - сильный, мощный
joy - joyful - радостный
pain - painful - болезненный
care - careful - заботливый
use - useful - полезный.
Ivan - he
Ivan and I - we
my frend and I - we
my frends - they
my mother - she
her mother - she
his mother - she
his aunt - she
his cat - it
her uncle - he