1. The name of the film is "me before you"
2 Thea Sherrock directed it
3 The mail cherecter
4 The film about true love and about the desire to live your life as fool as you can
4 I really love this film, becuse it has a deep meaning
Phase- фаза, период, стадия чего-либо какого-то объекта. чаще всего подрузимают стадии луны.
An interesting story is happened with a little monkey in jungle. One day it was hungry and wanted to eat some bananas but there was no food because many hunters took all the food in that region for selling. Our monkey had a lot of friends including a big green crocodile called Jambo. Jambo asked monkey to make a fresh juice from bananas and gave monkey few fruits. Monkey made a beverage to crocodile and took one yellow banana to itself.
Her name was Logan. She has been a widow for fifteen years and had no children
Have stayed with them
Have done
Have known
5.Has written all day and hasn't eaten anything
6. Haven't seen
7. Has rained
8. Has had
9.Has slept