Маркиз в стихотворении Н.С.Гумилёва хотел жить природе а не в королевстве, а Маркиз из сказки Ш.Перро наоборот хотел жить в раскошном королевстве, (по богатому).Так же, кот из сказки Ш.Перро был более находчивый.
1. Had been working
2. Looked
3. Had arrived
4. Saw
5. Had landed
Сделай колаж твоей любимой одежды для разных ситуаций: для школы, вечеринки, спорта. Ты можешь нарисовать картинки или вырезать их из журнала. Добавь к ним описание. Обоснуй свой выбор
1) some, 2) Any, 3) anybody, 4) anyone (слово you здесь явно лишнее)
5) something, 6) Somebody, 7) any matches, any, 8) Somebody, 9) some, 10) Anyone
Which book is the most interesting? 2) Their house is bigger than ours. 3)
Your dictation is better than mine. 4) Is Robert the most handsome boy in
your class? 5) She is as lucky as her sister. 6) Your answer is the worst. 7) William is as young as his girlfriend. 8) What is your elder brother`s name? 9) Which, do you think, is the hardest job?
10) This purse is cheaper than that one.
1) eighteen forty-one
2) thirty-three
3) one million three hundred and fifty-one thousand six hundred and forty-seven
4) twentieth
5) nineth
6) fifty-eight
7) sixteen
8) two hundred and ninety-five
9) seventy-third
10) nine hundred and sixty-four</span>
I have done my homework and then go for a walk in the afternoon