1) He 2) Bed 3) Kitchen 4) Opening 5) Fridge 6) Is 7) Up 8) Into 9) Eating
Does he turn in the TV to watch cartoons every morning?
Does he turn in the TV to watch cartoons or films every morning?
He turns in the TV to watch cartoons every morning, doesn’t he?
Who turns in the TV to watch cartoons every morning?
What does he turn in the TV to watch every morning?
Can young children watch the same films as grown- ups? Who can watch the same films as grown- ups?
Are cartoons films for young children? What are films for young children?
Do they make the best films in Hollywood? Who makes the best films in Hollywood?Has Russia produced a lot of wonderful films? What country has produced a lot of wonderful films?
Do different people prefer different types of films? Who prefers different types of films?
1/ He had to work hard to finish his experiment. - Ему пришлось потрудиться (усердно), чтобы закончить свой эксперимент.
2/ I could devote myself to scientific work. - Я мог бы посвятить себя научной работе.
3/ You might repeat your experiment. - Вы могли бы повторить свой эксперимент.