Картина-It is Tina⁾s picture
компьютер-it is Tina⁾s computer
книга-it is Tina⁾s book
пазл-it is Tim⁾s puzzle
1 Helen said that her sister was ready to go.
2 The girl said that her mother usually went shopping on Saturday.
3 The teacher said that the birds built their nests among the trees.
4 Jimmy said that he was not married.
5 Peter said that he couldn't read those books and added that he didn't like them.
6 Jimmy said that they had gone on holiday.
7 Jimmy said that Nelly couldn't write and added that she had cut her finger.
8. Jimmy said that the Ivanovs had travelled to many places.
9. Jimmy said that Sam had already learnt the poem.
10. Jimmy said that the match would take place the following week.
11. Jimmy said that work would take little time.
12 Jimmy said that his parents would come at 3.
13. Jimmy said that he had been away from school because he had been ill.
14. Jimmy said that he had phoned me many times but I had been out.
15. Jimmy said that some of the schoolmates had come to see him.
16. Jimmy said that he had had a cold and had stayed in bed.
17. Jimmmy asked me if anything was wrong with me.
18. Jimmy asked me if I sometimes had headaches.
19. Jimmy asked me if I was taking any medicine then.
20. Jimmy asked me if I spent much time out- of-doors.
21. Jimmy asked me if I did sports.
22. Jimmy asked me if I had a good appetite.
23. Jimmy asked me if I usually went to bed late.
24. Jimmy asked me if I would follow his advice.
25. Jimmy asked me what I liked about my school.
26. Jimmy asked me what school activity I had had .
27. Jimmy asked me what good habits I had formed at school.
28. Jimmy asked me what my favourite subject was.
29. Jimmy asked me to come home straight after school.
30. Jimmy asked me to warm up my dinner.
31. Jimmy asked me to wash up the dishes after the dinner.
32. Jimmy asked me to buy bread, milk and sugar.
33. Jimmy asked me to start doing my homework before he came.
34. Jimmy asked me not to stay outside after the bell came.
35. Jimmy asked me not to run along the corridor.
36. Jimmy asked me not to make noise.
37. Jimmy asked me not to look into my neighbor’s exercise-book.
38. Jimmy asked me not to lie on my desk.
Days are often foggy in spring - Весной дни часто бывают туманными.
I have very little time.
There is very little ink in the inkpot.
She has few friends.
There are very few people outside.
He has a few books.
Please give me a little water.
7.45______I wash______
8.00__________I eat and I put on ____
8.30_____I go to school_______
1.00________I come from school______
2.30________I do homework______
6.00__________I eat__
7.00_________I watch TV____
10.00__________preparation for a dream_____