A girl named Alice once sat under a tree, and suddenly she saw a rabbit, who mysteriously went through the woods and waiting for something (he obviously was in a hurry), Alice decided to ask where it came from and what he was doing in the woods, but did not have time it is to answer the question as a rabbit ran quickly, and Alice ran after him; rabbit ran to the hole and stuck there Alice hurried after him, and before she could dive for it as a rabbit fell into the abyss, and found herself in the middle of nowhere some small room in which Alice was the vast size and the door was very small, she began to weep not she knew how to get out, she cried and cried until he suddenly felt that she began to diminish and the happiness she has found the key and was able to open a small door, she opened it, went out and found myself in a perfect world - a world of wonders and mysteries (way before she got out, she swam in their own tears because there was formed a sea of her tears, and she helped get the mose
Сосед: Полный ,криеливый,дружелюбный
Соседка: добрая,умная ,вежливая
Семья соседи: Добрые,милые ,дружелюбные,гармоничные
They will play badminton in the park.
Привет дедушка, я очень ждал этого дня когда все огни загораются и все звонят поздравить своих родных и со слёзами вспоминают когда у них был первый новый год!
Дедушка я хочу что-бы с тобой было всё хорошо и ты не заболел я хочу себе (твой подарочек :3) и хочу чтобы все учились на 4 и 5!
Надеюсь что-до тебя дойдёт это сообщение от вежливиго мальчика (твоё имя)!
Всегда пожалуйста!
1 English
2 Geography
3 science
4 Art
5 History
6 music