Helo Maria!
How are you ?I'm fine .in this letter i want to tell about my favorite seasen .My favorite season is spring .Because ,I live How flowers bloom and snow is melting .Outside it becomes warm .You can already go for a walk .Sometimes it will rain .Well,that's not bad .And what is your favorite season ? Write mi the next one .What is the new from you
Bye .Your girlfriend(имя)
<span>1 No, I have not done all my homework for today.
2 No, she has not seen this animal.
3 No, my parents have not invited the quests.
4 No, Alice has not written the letter.
5 Yes, the boy has taken his puppy for a walk.</span>
<span>Being a teacher is one of the most important jobs. It is also one of the first and most ancient professions. Our school has a lot of wonderful teachers and each of them is good in his or her own way. Thanks to them I’m interested in studying many subjects.
</span><span>Быть преподавателем – это одна из наиболее важных работ. Это также одна из первых и самых древних профессий. В нашей школе много замечательных учителей и каждый из них хорош по-своему. Благодаря им я заинтересован в изучении многих предметов.</span>
Have you got any sheep on your farm?
He is 35 years old.
Has your dog a long tail?
И Катя хорошо катается на велосипеде. Джейн хорошо читает. Она тоже хорошо говорит на Французском. Меня зовут Даня. Я хорошо играю в пинг-понг и хорошо пою.