Financial- adjective
Internet-noun и adjective
Print-verb и noun
Design- noun и verb
Microchips- noun
<span>Does our teacher know foreigh languages?</span>
<span>Has he graduated from our University last year?</span>
<span>Shall we go to the Samara next week?</span>
<span>Are they working in our garden?</span>
<span>Have i just read this book?</span>
<span>Did i take this book from my friend?</span>
<span>Is he like reading books?</span>
<span>Has she many relaties abroad?</span>
<span>Did they be in many countries?</span>
1How is your mum?She's fine,thanks.2How are your parents? They're ok.3How are you?I'm very well,thanks you.4How is your uncle?He's fine,thanks.5How are your children?They're ok.6How is Liz?She's fine,thanks.7How is your cousin?She's/He's very well,thank you <span>.</span>
2. <span>This bag is too small. I need something much bigger.
3. </span><span>I'm afraid the problem is much more complicated it seems.
4. </span><span>It was very hot yesterday. Today it's a bit cooler.
5. I enjoyed our visit to the museum. </span><span> It was far more interesting than I expected.
</span>6. <span>You're driving too fast. Can you drive a bit more slowly?
</span>7. <span>It's a lot easier to learn a foreign language in a country where it is spoken.
</span>8. <span>I thought she was younger than me, but in fact she's slightly older.</span>
After lessons I usually watch tv and go to bed