Bake [beɪk] big [bɪg] bathes [bæƟiz] of [ɒv] brown [braʋn] blueberry [’blu:berɪ] bread [bred]<span>- это скороговорка на отработку звука [b], то есть чаще всего или совсем без смысла или обычный перевод. (у Вас нет слова bread в конце предложения)
Испечь огромное количество (много) черного хлеба с черникой)))</span>
these bags - эти сумки; those bags - те сумки;
these flags - эти флаги; those flags - те флаги;
these mobile phones - эти those mobile phones - те мобильные
мобильные телефоны; телефоны.
Традиционнымм танцами в Бразилии являются маракату и самба. Новый год в Бразилии-романтический праздник и в этот день поют печальные песни. Также в Новый год в Бразилии проводят различные карнавалы.
<span>Традиционнымм dancing in Brazil are Maracatu are and Samba. New year in Brazil-a romantic holiday and in that day sing sad songs. Also in the New year in Brazil conduct various carnivals.</span>
Sand - uncountable
tomato - countable
juice - uncountable
sugar - uncountable
bread - uncountable
sea - uncountable
hill - countable
jam - uncountable
cake - countable
raincoat - countable
daybook - countable
exercise<span> - uncountable</span>
butter<span> - uncountable</span>
snow<span> - uncountable</span>
I'm studying at school. My school is large and bright. I like to study here. All of our school as one big family. We all know each other. On the ground floor there is a dining room with tasty food and a gym. As there is a green area. On the wall hung photos of the best students of our school. They are our pride. All classrooms are very clean and spacious.Our school has many beautiful flowers. In the courtyard of the school yard. We go out there at recess or in gym class. The school itself in appearance I like.I am glad to learn that there