Расскажите о своем или чужом визите в театр (концерт, цирковое шоу и т. Д.). Вы можете использовать следующие
купить билеты в кассепригласить кого-то в театрувидеть драму (балет) / послушать оперу (концерт, ets)оставить одежду в гардеробеиметь места в киосках (галерея, круг, балкон и т. д.)купить программупринести пару очков оперы
1. People used a system of barter.
2.People have used cattle, grain and tobacco.
3. People will no longer use paper currency.
4. People are using cheques, bankers` cards and credit.
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Minsk (Belarus Mіnsk.) - The capital of Belarus, the administrative center of Minsk region and Minsk region, a part of which is not included as an independent administrative-territorial unit with a special (capital) status. He has the title of "Hero City". The largest transport hub, political, economic, cultural and scientific center of the country. It is the core of the Minsk agglomeration. In Minsk, the headquarters of the CIS. The tenth largest population (excluding suburbs) city in Europe, and the third - in the EAEC. The city is located near the geographic center of the country and is on the river Svisloch. An area of 348.84 square kilometers, population - 1964.2 thousand people (as of 1 July 2016) [2] without taking into account the suburbs..