<span>No mother /would send/ a child to anything so awful
if she / were not/ in such misery herself!
I /wouldn’t / be surprised if we / turned out/ to be ordinary humans, after all.
If Maggie /looked/ out his eyes, /would she / come away from the terrifying experience?
If the captain / was / shipwrecked, and you /wanted/ / to rescue him in a boat,
he /would want / to know who was rowing
the boat before he /got/ in.
The transfer / would/ be easier if she /had /no idea what was happening.
The East India Company / could/ break Miguel’s control, if it / increased /the
coffee amount on the market.
If my brother /were /to blame he / would/ ask your forgiveness.
If this /could/ be arranged there / would be/ nothing left for Chris to do.
It /would look / as if we /were/ conspiring.
If it /weren't / for the pain and
disgrace Sue /would be / willing to end it all.</span>
Не понятно. Перефразируй пожалуйста
супер герой отважный человек!он всегда придёт на помощь.жил был мальчик Саша,друзья с ним поспорили спрыгнет ли он с крыши,Саша сказал что он не будет прыгать но его друзья стали говорить ему трусишка трусишка.Саша не выдержал и полез на крышу 20 этажного дома.он поднялся и спрыгнул!он был от одного километра от земли.вдруг прилетел супер герой и поймал мальчика.супер герой сказал им всем некогда некогда и низа что неделайте что то подобное!вы угрожаете себе жизнью.
Banks are just like other business. Other business sell gods or services. Banks sell money in the form of loaning and other financial products.They make money on the interest they charge on loans. Loaning money is a riskful business.A bank never really knows if it will get that money back.Therefore,the riskier the loan,the higher the interest rate the bank charges. Bank also charges fees for services like checking and ATM access. Another source of income for banks is investments and securities.