Were they discussing this questions?
The Russians can celebrate The New Year well. They dress up the New Year Tree. They launch fireworks. They dress up even their house. On New Year's Eve they go out into the street and says “Happy New Year”. Already in 3 hours the Russians put on the table. They cook salads, meat, fruits and so on.Russian’s New Year the best!
A were
b was
a was
b is
a did
b didn t were
a did
b did were was
It is at risk disappearance of Shimpanze they live mainly in Western and central Africa. They are considered the closest relatives of the person. Genetic base of these animals coincides with human by 98,7%. Population шимпанзе for the last 20-30 years decreases promptly. The reasons of such quick disappearance of these animals is a scale timber cutting, poaching, illegal trade of cubs, as well as numerous infectious diseases.
Под угрозой исчезновения
Шимпанзе в основном проживают в западной и центральной Африке. Их считают самыми близкими родственниками человека. Генетическая база этих животных совпадает с человеческой на 98,7%.
Популяция шимпанзе за последние 20-30 лет стремительно уменьшается. Причинами такого быстрого исчезновения этих животных является масштабная лесозаготовка, браконьерство, нелегальная торговля детенышами, а также многочисленные инфекционные заболевания.