Весна, кулич, крашеные яйца, благовест, свеча. С чем связаны эти слова? Любой в нашей стране ответит: «С пасхой». И каждый скажет, что пасха – это праздник религиозный, христианский. Известно, что пасху празднуют во многих странах мира. У каждой страны свои пасхальные обычаи. Мне нравиться изучать английский язык, и культура Великобритании для меня представляет большой интерес. Пасха – один из моих любимых праздников.
1.What like would you do to this weekend?
2.Why you have not got a dictionary
3.When did you start learning English?
4.What you doing when customer were phoned?
5.Does the radio listening to enjoy your secretary?
<span>I live in Nizhny Novgorod. Summer: In summer our weather is hot and dry. In fine weather we put on a shirt and shorts. In bad weather we put on a jacket and jeans. In summer all inhabitants go swimming and fishing.
Autumn: In autumn the weather here is misty and rainy. In autumn inhabitants wear jeans and jackets. We go to school in autumn, and adults work.
In winter the weather is snowy and frosty. Inhabitants put on warm clothes. In winter we play hockey and go skiing. Winter is my favourite season.
In spring the weather is warm and moisty. We put on jeans on and jackets. In spring all guys play football and go rollerskating. </span>
1.1.Do we celebrate Halloween in autumn?
1.2.Do we celebrate Halloween in autumn or summer?
1.3.We celebrate Halloween in autumn, do not we?
1.4.Who celebrate Halloween in autumn?
1.5.What do celabrate in autumn?
2.1.Did they have a very difficult test in maths yesterday?
2.2.Did they have a very difficult test in maths or history yesterday?
2.3.Yesterday they had a very difficult test in maths did not they?
2.4.Who had to a very difficult test in maths yesterday?
2.5.What did they have to in maths yesterday?