Показываю оформление как писать про эту открытку. At this picture I can see (и описываешь то, что ты видишь)
Who prescribed medicine to me?
Did the doctor prescribe medicine to me?
Why did the doctor prescribe medicine to me?
Did the doctor prescribe medicine to me or to my sister?
The doctor prescribed medicine to me, did not he(she)?
3 her 4 my 5 their 6 his 7 its 8 my 9 our не благодари
1.Who is the tallest student in your class?(самый высокий)
2. Who is the most hard-working student in your class?(самый трудолюбивый)
3. Who is the best at sport in your class?(лучший в спорте)
4. Who is the friendliest student in your class?(самый дружелюбный)
5. Who is the most talkative student in your calss?( самый болтливый, говорливый)
6. Who has got the longest hair in your class?( у кого самые длинные волосы)
А ответишь уже сама:)