Outdoor activities (или productive leisure), <span>extreme sports, </span><span>to book tickets, </span>to <span>set up a camp, to </span>fill in the card, <span>a lovely pool, </span>to spend holidays with family, a boring movie, <span>a dangerous journey, </span><span>a new airport, </span><span>a difficult question, </span>fair prices (или reasonable prices), high temperature, <span>to visit <span>a castle, </span></span><span>to win a match</span>
Playing games. Playing computer games.</span></span>
(ˈплейин) (геймз). (ˈплейин) (кэмˈпьютэр) (геймз).
(ˈpleɪɪŋ) (geɪmz). (ˈpleɪɪŋ) (kəmˈpjutər) (geɪmz)<span>.</span>
<span>My school is better than schools in other parts of the world</span>
1. She is a student.
2. He is a businessman.
3.I am an employee.
4. We are pupils.
5. You are journalists.
6. This is a ruler.
7. Those are clips.
8.I have a disc.
9. They have books.
10. These boys are pupils.
11. Those girls are students.
12. The pupil has a ruler and some pencils.
13. My mother is a lawyer.
14. My sister has some notebooks.
15.I have some discs.
16. We have some books.
17. He has a cassette.
18. He is a musician.
19. They are journalists.
20. We are pupils.