1)Синий прямоугольник - Scotland
Зеленый прямоугольник - Northem Ireland
Желтый прямоугольник - Republic of Ireland
Синий прямоугольник - Wales
Фиолетовый прямоугольник - Engalnd
4)England - London
Scotland - Edinburgh
Wales - Carfdiff
Northem Ireland - Belfast
Republic of Ireland - Dublin
5)Northem Ireland - 5 флаг
Republic of Ireland - 4 флаг
Wales - 1 флаг
England - 2 флаг
Scotland - 3 флаг
6)Flag of United Kingdom
The flag combines aspects of three older national flags:
the red cross of St George for the Kingdom of England
the white saltire of St Andrew for Scotland
the red saltire of St Patrick to represent Ireland
7) a.Ireland/St Patrick
b.Wales/St David
c.England/St George
d.Scotland/St Andrew
Подробнее - на Znanija.com - znanija.com/task/30691919#readmore
He said that he was fine
He said that the weather there was great.
He said that his host family was very nice.
He said that he had his own room.
He said that they had a national park there.
He said that they have gone there the day before.
He said that it have been great.
He said that he would love to go there again.
He said that the teachers at his school were very nice.
He said that his english had improved .
1) She
2) It
3) It
4) She
5) He
6) He
He ставится при present simple в мужском роде - HE is my teacher
She ставится при present simple в женском роде - SHE is a doctor
It ставится при present simple без рода - IT is my dog