Relaxing on holiday with...
К примеру: ¹. I never eat sardins, bananas и т. д
².I sometimes go to school,park и т.д
³.I often play games,
⁴.I usually wake up at ten o'clock(это ты уже сам(-а) выбираешь)
5.I always watch TV
Brown bears are settled. Unlike white. Each animal is a specific piece of land. Within it there are special places where the bear refuge, fed, lies in the den. It is easy to find here bear trails - the most frequent path of movement bears.The main nutritional base of the brown bear - plant food. It can be a variety of fruits, roots of plants, lush greenery. To diversify your diet by representatives of this species prey on fish, they eat insects. And in the spring the object of his hunt could be deer, elk and wild boar. It happens that the brown bear with amazing patience sits at the burrows of ground squirrels and marmots, waiting for their appearance. Brown bears hibernate. It takes from 75 to 195 days a year. They sleep in dens that equips under fallen trees. View the polar bear was formed relatively recently. Paleontologists attribute the occurrence of polar bears to 250 thousand. Years ago.Polar bear descended from the same ancestor as brown. Only the polar bear has adapted to living in harsh conditions in the ice. Polar bear population is sparse, so this kind is included in the Red Book.Polar bear - a predator. On predation he specializes. Hunting sea birds, ringed seals and even morzhat. The patient and he can not refuse! The polar bear can be a long time from the respiratory hole seals and when they appear to attack them. But the time is worth it. After all, seal fat and skin - the favorite food of polar bears. It is interesting that the polar bear may be just one hour to eat an amount of food, the mass of which is equal to 10% of the body weight of the bear.<span>Polar Bear often roams. Indeed, it makes seasonal migrations, which are very time-consuming.</span>
В расовом отношении аборигены Австралии образуют отдельную — собственно австралийскую ветвьавстралоидной расы[3]. Австралийская цивилизация является одной из старейших непрерывных культур в мире[4].
Численность составляет 437 тыс. (2001, перепись), в том числе 26,9 тыс. чел. на островах Торресова пролива. Аборигены островов Торресова пролива культурно отличаются от прочих аборигенов Австралии, имея много общего смеланезийцами и папуасами.
Ныне большинство аборигенов опираются на государственную и иную благотворительность. Традиционные способы жизнеобеспечения (охота,рыболовство и собирательство, у части островитян Торресова пролива — ручное земледелие) почти полностью утрачены.