1. capital
From my point of view, to be healthy, strong and fit is much better than to be wealthy and have a lot of money. First of all, you can lose all of your riches one day, while your health will always with you. Strength is one thing you can reach and say: "I can do anything in this world!", but if you unhealthy, you can do nothing and life is not such amazing for you.
Фрукты:pear-груша,plum-слива,apple-яблоко.(соответствует груша-pear)
Посуда:glass-стекло,plate-тарелка,cup-кружка.(соответствует кружка-cup)
Звери:panda-панда,pig-хрюшка,koala-коала.(соответствует хрюшка-pig)
Школьные принадлежности:bag-рюкзак,book-книга,pen-ручка,pencil-карандаш.(соответствует карандаш-pencil).
Spider-man, the new film.
I watched the movie and it was brilliant! Actors played well, action and soundtrack are catchy and wonderful, the story - for the first part - is complete.
Love story and jokes were not made by the mega - mastermind, but they are okay, too.
And how can I forget Iron Man, the most charismatic MARVEL hero, and the way mr. Robert played him!
But there are some jokes 16+...
So I think it's 4,9/5.
At least, I liked it, as I said before.
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