Джек Лондон
Был сыном фермера
Имел много работы
Работал продавцом газет матросом рабочим на фабрике
Мечтал стать пиратом
Написал свою первую книгу в 1898 году
Писал новеллы и истории о животных
Жил несколько лет на аляске
Написал 152 рассказа о севере
1. Easter is an important religious festvity.
2.Easter traditions are prsctically the same in European countries.
3. Eggs and bunnies are the symbols of coming spring.
4. In the traditional Egg-rolling competition people use decorated hard-boiled eggs.
5. The first egg to reach the bottom wins.
6. More than 40 000 people wantch the competition every year.
7. Children usually search eggs that were hidden by the Easter Bunny.
8. It is a delicious loaf of bread with fruits and spices.
9. They usually go to the Church.
I've never been on a camping holiday