ˈнейчэ ˈмэднис ˈмембэз тук пат ин лотс ов<span> </span>
ˈафтэ-скул экˈтивитиз. зей тук ˈкласиз ту файнд aут эˈбaут пэˈлушэн<span>, </span>
ˌриˈсайклин энд ˌконсэˈвейшэн. зэ хоул тим хелпт ту мейк зэ ˈкласиз<span> </span>
мо<span>р </span>ˈинтристин бай ˈюзин ˈпикчэз энд ˈвидиоуз энд соу он. ˈафтэ зэт, зи
ˈмембэз ˈогэнайзд ˈдифрэнт иˈвентс энд экˈтивитиз сач эз ˌриˈсайклин о<span> </span>
клин-ап дейз, ˈплантин триз, энд ˈхелпин стрей <span>ˈэнимэлз</span>
There are 14 butterflies in the triagle
there are 15 flowers in the circle
there are 12 snails in the square
She said that she spoke French.
She said that she was speaking French.
She said that she had spoken French.
She said that she had spoken French.
-привет !-сказала женя
-привет!-сказала я
-пошли гулять ,-сказала она
-пошли,-сказала я
и можно добавить : и они ушли далеко по этой длинной улице .
1 I didn't see that film last night.
2 They could cycle 50 km in a day.
3 Did you get an email this morning?
4 She didn't sleep in a tent on her holiday.
5 Did they clean their classroom last week?
6 He travelled to India last winter.
7 We didn't stay in a hotel in London.
8 Did she have a computer in her room?