Passive voice - to be (зависит от времени)+3 форму глагола (всегда не за висимо от времени) , a active voice это обычное предложение)
police - полиция
distance - дистанция
conference - конференция
tendency - тенденция
gravity - гравитация
aircraft - авиация
appeal - апелляция
lecture - лекция
inventory - инвентаризация
receipt - квитанция
banknote - ассигнация
abstract - аннотация
alcohol - алкоголизация
blockerase - блокирация
dramatize - драматизация
gestures - жестикуляция
indulgence - индульгенция
afformance - афформация
abstinence - абстиненция
deflorace - дефлокация
intellectuals - интеллигенция
discredit - дискредитация
investment - инвестиция
impotence - импотенция
radio - рация
percolate - перкаляция
perseverance - персеверация
province - провинция
instance - инстанция
inlay - инкрустация
interference - интерференция
quintessence - квинтэссенция
compromise - компроментация
cadence - каденция
luminescence - люминисценция
fraud - махинация
salinity - минерализация
nasturtium - настурция
bond - облигация
profanity - профонация
Thanksgiving Day in the USA.Every year, all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. The story began in 1620. A group of people decided to leave England and go to live in America. They wanted a new and better life.September 16, 1620 they left Plymouth. Their ship was called Mayflower. There were about a hundred of them. Finally they saw America on November 9. Some people did not live to see America. They fell ill and died.The first winter in America was very difficult for travelers.The Indians helped the pilgrims. They were shown how to hunt, fish and grow corn. The following year the pilgrims had a lot of food.Fathers-pilgrims built the city of Plymouth. And they thanked God for the new house. It was almost four hundred years ago. And every year on the fourth Thursday of November, American families come together and celebrate Thanksgiving. Traditional food on this day is a pie of turkey and pumpkin.
<span>Speech is silver but silence is gold <span>Слово — серебро, молчание — золото
</span></span><span>Soon learnt, soon forgotten - <span>Выученное наспех быстро забывается
</span></span><span>Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach - <span>He тяни руку дальше рукава
</span></span><span>Saying and doing are two things - <span>Сказать и сделать — две разные вещи
не знаю то ли это если еще надо пиши</span></span>
1. Is Emma going to be a reporter?
2. Are Ann and helen going to be actresses?
3. Is Harry going to be a vet?
4. What is Emily going to be?
5. What are dan and Sam going to be?