1. hairdresser
2. teacher
3. footballer
4. pilot
5. photographer
6. mechanic
7. carer
8. secretary
9. vet
1. Played
2. didn't use
3. didn't travel
4. skied
5. cycled
6. didn't watch
Р.S. She works in a hospita - Она работает в больнице
P.C My father is driving a car - Мой отец ведет машину
P.P. They have left us a message - Они оставили нам сообщение
P.P.C. I am exhausted. I have been driving for many hours – Я очень устал. Я ехал в течение многих часов.
P.S. We listened to fairy tales - Мы слушали сказки.
P.C. Sally was reading a book when the doorbell rang. – Сэлли читала книгу, когда в зазвонил звонок
На ранок дня народження у кожного була робота. Стів збити яйця і зробила тости. Батько посмажив їх. Моллі посипати гарячі грінки з цукровою пудрою і накрити на стіл . Вона прикрасила тости з бочки меду. Вони не забули про кухні . Готель був чистим і охайним.Коли мама прийшла на кухню, вони сказали разом: "з Днем народження, люба мамо !"Мама була так здивована !Вона сказала: "Це так красиво.Велике спасибі".
1. I usually get up at 6 AM. I think that I get up early. 2. It is not easy for me to get up early. 3. My alarm clock wakes me up because it is hard for me to wake up myself so I switch that on. 4. My mother usually makes breakfast for me. 5. I usually have a cup of tea and an oatmeal porridge for breakfast, sometimes I eat a small sandwich with a piece of ham. 6. I leave the house at about 7:30 AM. 7. It usually takes me forty minutes to get to the University, but when the weather is rainy, the trip may take up to one hour long. 8. I go to the University by subway and I walk for ten minutes to get to the subway station. 9. Every day I have not less than six lectures. 10. I usually have lunch at the University canteen as the food is tasty and quite cheap as well. 11. I come back home at nine o`clock in the evening after having prepared my routine tasks for seminars at the library. 12. It takes me three to five hours to do my homework. 13. In the evening I use to listen to music or go to the gym. It depends on how much free time is left after homework preparation. 14. On weekdays I do not have pretty much free time as I do my best to study thoroughly and provide quality homework. 15. I usually go to bed at midnight or at 01 AM which makes me feel exhausted in the mornings.