One - head(голова), face (лицо), back(спина), mouth (рот), nose(нос)
two - foot(нога), arm (рука), hand (рука), eyebrow (бровь), knee (колено)
more than two - finger (палец), toe(палец), tooth(зубы), eyelash(ресницы), nail (ногти)
*в скобках перевод
I get up at 7:00 o'clock. I go to bathroom and brash my teeth and i wash my face.
1. She plays tennis every Sunday
2. He buyes a cup of coffee every morning
3. Julie studies French at school.
4. Luke tries hard to be polite
5. She enjoyes going swimming
6. Lucy washes her hair every day
7. John never cry
8. My mother always says that....
9. I hope Julie passes the exam.
10. The plane flies low over the airort
I do not like to work with your hands because it is difficult to 1
1 a cactus tree
2 a maple(клён)
3 a zebra
4 an elephant
5 a lizard
6 a goldfish
7 a parrot
8 a crow
9 a sheep
10a cow
11 a
12 a
13 a
14 a
15 a
16 sharp
17 feet
18 children
19 teeth
20 women