Olga and Irina are 11 and 13 years old.
Irina and Olga are good at tennis.
Marco's dream is to become a great basketball player (это есть в тексте, не видно за карандашом)
Marco's brother is good at football.
Olga and Irina are in the school tennis club
Миша, так это наш номер, Роб, пожалуйста, идите на свой диван.
Если неверно, я постараюсь перевести лучше..
1)Nick didn't help his parents on Sunday .2)Nick didn't work in the garage on Sunday.3)Nick didn't listen to music on Sunday .4)Nick didn't walk with his dog on Sunday.
1.Tom said to his brother he would visit his relatives tomorrow
2.The teacher asked the pupil has he took on exam yesterday
3.Olga asked me where i had been today
4.Nick asked Peter to help him
5.The policman said to the passer-by not to play on the rood
<span>Енді, міне, біздің қоршаған ортаны үй өнеркәсібі мен ауыл шаруашылығында зиянды іс-әрекеттері күшті қорғауды қажет екенін ешқашан бұрынғыдай айқын болып отыр.</span>