<span>I like sport. It plays a great role in my activities. Most of all I like to play basketball. I am a very good player and often take part in different sport competitions. Sometimes we win them but sometimes we lose. Basketball is a team game. It is played in any season because you play this game is indoors game. It is played in a gym. But sometimes you can see streetball - basketball in an open air. There are two baskets in this </span><span><span>exciting</span></span><span> game and only one orange ball. Players must </span><span><span>throw</span></span><span><span>the ball</span></span><span><span>to the basket and</span></span><span><span>get</span></span><span><span>to it</span></span><span> to score a goal. There are two teams with only five players.</span>
<span>Many people keen in sport because it makes us healthy and help us to be fit. During you play any sport game you are active and it helps you to burn many calories. Basketball is an active game. It makes people be strong, healthy and energetic. It is a game for everybody even for disabled people.</span>
<span>To my mind any sport is risky and dangerous. Basketball is riscky too because every minute you can break your arm or leg or get another problem with your health. </span>
<span>I like playing basketball most of all. And I am a basketball fan too. I enjoy watching matches on TV and at the stadium. I have been to the stadium twice. It was great.</span>
<span> </span>
<span>Я люблю спорт. Он играет большую роль в моей деятельности. Больше всего я люблю играть в баскетбол. Я очень хороший игрок и часто принимаю участие в различных спортивных соревнованиях. Иногда мы выигрываем, но иногда проигрываем. Баскетбол это командная игра. В нее играют в любое время года, потому что играют в эту игру в закрытом помещении. В нее играют в спортивном зале. Но иногда вы можете видеть стритбол - баскетбол на открытом воздухе. Есть две корзины в этой захватывающей игре и только один оранжевый мяч. Игроки должны бросать мяч в корзину и попасть в нее, чтобы забить гол. В игре две команды всего с пятью игроками.</span>
<span>Многие люди занимаются спортом, потому что он делает нас здоровыми и помогает быть в хорошей форме. Во то время, когда вы играете в любые спортивные игры вы активны, и это помогает вам сжигать больше калорий. Баскетбол - активная игра. Она заставляет людей быть сильными, здоровыми и энергичными. Это игра для всех, даже для людей с ограниченными возможностями.</span>
<span>На мой взгляд, любой вид спорта рискованный и опасный. Баскетбол тоже, потому что каждую минуту вы можете сломать руку или ногу или получить другую проблему с вашим здоровьем.</span>
<span>Мне нравится играть в баскетбол больше всего. И я также фанат баскетбола. Мне очень нравится смотреть матчи по телевизору и на стадионе. Я был на стадионе два раза. Это было здорово.</span>
The national emblem of England is red or scarlet rose. Within thirty years of the dynasty of Lancaster, whose emblem was a red rose, fought a war for the throne with the Yorks, another dynasty (the emblem of the white rose) . War was a romantic name the war of the Roses. The rivalry between the dynasties ended with the marriage of the dynasty intermarried. Since then the red rose became the national emblem of England.
In the 12th century English king Richard the Lionheart was elected as its patron Saint St. George – a Roman commander, martyred on the cross for their faith. The colors of the shield of St. George, the English king moved on the cloth flags of their ships. Royal soldiers received the badge of honor - an armband with a red cross on a white background. 1,277 year, the Saint George's cross became the national symbol of England. The red flag in the British Navy in the 17th century and symbolizes the "call to battle" . British soldiers wear uniforms of red.
Red color there is in England almost everywhere. Even Napoleon said: "Red is the color of England. I can't stand it."
From November to March in London is traditionally vague. Before such a strong and dirty fog in London was formed due to the huge amounts of dust and soot. Microscopic drops of water and particles of coal soot created "smog" , which not only made it impossible to move - even birds and animals lost in this way - but led to serious lung diseases.
Perhaps it is the struggle with the fog is due to the fact that the color of the mailbox and crews became red. And now in England a lot of red flowers in the beds, red phone boxes, red buses. In the fog the red color is visible best.
Red cast-iron telephone box with a crown on the roof, steel door handles in the form of lugs and brass rivets on the Windows - the symbol of England, such as big Ben or double Decker buses with an open rear platform. The first red telephone box appeared in London in 1936, and developed it specifically for the English Mail of the company, sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Booth became famous thanks to its functional design: enclosed cab is designed not only for respecting the personal space of the English, but real English rainy weather, and the red color is easy to spot even in the dense fog.
The same color was at one time and subway trains. The tiles of Roman London was red. First the London wall was built of red Sandstone. The universities founded in the 19th and 20th centuries, built of red brick. On the maps of London in red marked the place where were working on the reconstruction of streets and areas where lived the rich people. Red crosses painted on the doors of houses affected by the plague.
A city like London, it is impossible to imagine without buses. Red as a tomato, the bus became another symbol of the British capital. First London route went from Paddington to the South Bank of the Thames. It went the crew of horse-drawn and transported from eighteen to twenty-two people. Soon the passengers developed the habit to get on the roof of one-story omnibuses, which led to the emergence of a "double-Decker", a two - storey crew with seats on the roof.
Red buses define the style of the London streets. Their red flanks are very often used for advertising, but occasionally they paint. II. The adjective "RED" in the English language
The British attitude to the red color is reflected in the language: in stable expressions, sayings, aphorisms. Red is the color of life, joy, conviviality, vitality, physical strength and youth, he expresses positive emotions.
red letter day – a festive day
Another meaning of red color is due, on the one hand, with the physiological reaction of the body
Обведите правильный вариант.
She has got some potatoes.
I haven’t got any vegetables.
We haven’t got any pasta.
She hasn’t got any meat?
Have they got any Coke?
В каком предложении допущена ошибка.
We’ve got any meat. – some meat
Some or any?
I have got some chicken.
Has she got any lemonade?
They haven’t got any Coke.
I have got some jelly.
Have we got any vegetables?
Составьте предложения из слов.
We have got some popcorn.
Has he got any rice?