Every person should have dreams. I believe that nothing will happen in your life unless you dream. Dreams can be small and big, real and fantastic...Ancient Greeks said that if you have a dream you will do everything. When I was a kid, I had a very funny dream. It was not an ordinary one but still great and beautiful. Everyone would want this dream to come true. The dream was a huge cake happiness. I would find the most qualified cooks from around the world. We would bake together to create a huge cake that everyone can find really tasty. It would turn out to be so large the astronauts would be able to see it. We would give a piece of this masterpiece to every good person in the world. To my mind this dream would make everyone happy because this cake would have been filled with joy and love. Со временами не уверена)
1 do berds leave our country
2 what season birds leave our country
3 have a very small birds with holding on the heat
4 can they find enough food in winter
5 What problem do birds have in winter
6 what way do you know to keep warm
7 What does make heat when we are active
Describe the animals and birds.use:noise, brave, lazy, kind, loving, shy, friendly, domestic, wild, quiet, peaceful, curious, sm
Описания животных и птиц.использование:шум, смелый, ленивый, добрый, любящий, застенчивый, дружелюбный, домашние, дикие, тихие, спокойные, любопытные, умные, злые, сильные, смелые,
<span>милый, недружелюбно. </span>
<span>Пример:хомячок-домашнее животное.любопытно и доброжелательный</span>
<span>1) Смотри! Я купил книги. Могу ли я дать (их, их) вам?
2) Пит, я разговариваю с тобой (ты, твой).
3) Маленькая кузина Энн играет на пианино. Она может хорошо играть (она, ее).
4) Вы видите мальчика возле доски? Знаете ли вы (его, его)? Но я не помню (его, его) имя.
5) Я не уверен, что это (их, их) приоблем.
6) Это моя собака Рекс. (он, его) хвост является белым и белым</span>
I have a friend Stas and he has fair-haired hair. He has big black eyes and goes to music school. We go to school together and we like to play different games. I have a good friend.