1 pres simp 3 pres simp 4 I was told yesterday that he had been invited to work at the factory. - past simp 5 - past simp 6 This article is often referred to. - pres simp 7 Research work - pres simp 8 - fur simp В этих страдательный. Некоторые неверные испрвлены.
<span>I lived in Ukraine. I've learned all the new words before starting to translate this text. We studied French before he started to learn English. Where they lived before I came to St. Petersburg? I read a lot of books about Leo Tolstoy before you see the movie "War and peace". Mom cooked dinner before we came. They sold their old house,before we bought the new one. Anna read the rules a few times before you start to do this exercise. We have listened to this English song three times before I realized her words. Little Fred ate the cake before the guests arrive. Peter read a lot about Shakespeare before starting to make a report(he did) I read his poem friends before the show(showed) his teacher. </span>
Big-small, new-old, slow-fast Больше не знаю(((
Morning is the beginning of the day. And I will tell you how my morning is spent.
I get up very early, about six o'clock in the morning. Then I get out of bed and start doing exercises. Doing exercises in the morning is very useful! Then I go to wash my face and brush my teeth.Now I'm going to make my Breakfast. I usually make sausage and cheese sandwiches. Then I go to get dressed and get ready for school. I so want wanting to come there and meet with their friends!
Morning is the key to a successful day.
Утро-это начало дня. И я расскажу как проводится моё утро.
Я встаю очень рано, где-то в шесть часов утра. После я встаю с кровати и начинаю делать зарядку. Делать зарядку по утрам- очень полезно! Дальше я иду умываться и чистить зубы.Теперь я иду готовить себе завтрак. Обычно я делаю бутерброды с колбасой и сыром. После я иду одеваться и собираться в школу. Я так хочу поскорее прийти туда и встретится со своими друзьями!
Утро-залог успешного дня.
- <em>No</em>
- <em>Yes</em>
- <em>Yes</em>
- <em>No</em>
- <em>No</em>