Глагол to be так не склоняется. Там если я - то am, если она, он, оно - is, а если они, вы, ты, мы - are.
She is running
We are swimming
I am skiing
Вопрос, как мне кажется, не совсем корректен!
Как-как?! Понять вопрос, найти информацию в тексте, которая может помочь с ответом (для этого нужно и текст понять) и отвечайте, соблюдая правила построения нужного типа вопроса (а их целых 6 штук!)...
There is a school uniform in our school. That's why I wear a silk white blouse and black trousers or a black skirt. If it is cold in our school I wear a knit sweater. In winter I wear a scarf, boots, a mittens, a fur hat and a down-padded coat. In summer I prefer to wear t-shirts, shirts, shorts, tops, sundresses and short skirts. When I go to the beach I put on a swimsuit and slippers. I like to wear loose clothes. At home I wear a dressing gown, a nightie, or pajamas.
1. How long have you been married?
2. How many children have you got?
3.Would you like to have as many children as Queen Victoria had?
4. Do you look like your mother?
5. Would you like to be as popular as your mother was?
6. What kind of sport are you good at?
7.Would you like to be a space tourist?
8. Are you close with your brother?