My favourite sport is running. There are just times when you feel like you just want to get up and run! I for instance, would just grab my I-pod and run out when I need to belt out my frustrations and woes. It works every time! Running is good holistically; except for those who are restrained to do it due to health reasons. Physically, it keeps you fit because it requires a great deal of energy burning up calories. It also decreases the chances of getting a stroke or a heart attack since it lowers the blood pressure and maintains the elasticity of your arteries. It slows down the aging process because of the toxins you sweat out and the strength- training you give to your muscles and bones. Psychologically, running releases the “happy hormones” or endorphins responsible for that natural high.
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Her eyes are
Her hair is I
It is
The second,the thirty ninth,one hundred twenty five,three point six,three hundred thirty three,in nineteen twenty year
<span>In the bus rules of conduct are: You need to hold on to the rail so as not to fall, you can not eat on the bus, do not open the window wide and do not put your hands in there, do not swear with the conductor, do not interfere with the driver.
Перевод: В автобусе правила поведения такие: Нужно держаться за поручни, чтобы не упасть, нельзя есть в автобусе, не раскрывать широко окно и не высовывать туда руки, не ругаться с кондуктором, не мешать водителю.</span>
Gone - гоун, get - Гэт, got -гот