Если кровь течет из артерии, то она алая. Если кровь течет из вены, то она темно-красная. Остановите кровотечение как можно быстрее. Самый простой метод это приложить чистый кусочек ткани или подушечку из стерильной марли на рану и крепко затянуть.
Если кровотечение происходит от ноги или руки, поднимите конечность. Если у человека кровотечение из носа, положите на нос холодный компресс. Человек должен дышать ртом.
Gadgets make our life easier. We can`t live without mobile phones, computers, smartwatches and many other things. They help us to get much information, work better and be intelligent. We use them to make things faster and easier. We depend on the modern technologies, so that we use them every day. In my opinion, up-to-date gadgets and devices are the best things in our life.
Having finished cross-stitching, <span><span>Alexandra</span> opened a book by Tolstoy and,
at ease, with his legs crossed, settled heself in a chair in front of the fireplace.</span>
My favourite magazine is «Отдохни»(Relax). I like reading this magazine, because I can find interesting information about celebrities. There are a lot off photos with my favourite singers and film stars. I am fond of reading interviews. there was wonderful interview with Lady Gaga last week and this week I hope to read about Brad Pitt! In «Relax» you can also do crosswords and read funny stories. The stories about wildlife are interesting too. Sometimes you can find a surprise in magazine. It can be a CD or a poster, I buy this magazine once a week in a shop near my house. I recommend you to read this magazine. It's perfect!