1. Делаешь ли ты утром зарядку каждый день? Сколько времени ты на неё тратишь на утренюю зарядку?
2. В какие виды спорта и игры ты хорошо умеешь играть? Как часто ты играешь в эти игры?
3. Ешь ли ты полезную для здоровья еду? Ешь ли ты много овощей? Какую еду ты любишь есть?
Какой ты национальности? a)
-I kazakh
The computer is a machine,it can't support you, like people. On the computer we print, play games. It can sit no more than 2 hours. The computer harms a person if you sit in it for a long time. This machine is useful for a person,it can help you with something,for example to find information.
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1 Yes, I think that society become more violent because mass media spoil mental people's health 2 They think that it's interesting for people to watch serials or films that propagandize violence 3 I have seen films that have a lot of violence and I didn't enjoy it. They have too much influence on my mental health 4 Such games that directed to a slew of animals or people influence on mental health too. There were cases then ill persons kill people after they had played such games 5 No, I don't play such games