Present Perfect обозначает действие, которое совершено в прошлом, но его результат связан с настоящим.
То есть
Компьютеры и микрочипы стали частью наших повседневных жизней ( и являются по сей день)
Present Perfect - это не прошедшее, а настоящее время. С его помощью всегда дается какая-то информация о настоящем.
She said she couldn't remember where she had put her passport
1. They should have come at 5, but didn’t appear even at 7.
2. You must have done everything by morning. What happened?
3. I must certainly bring my sister.
She’d like to come, I’m sure.
4. They shouldn't have come so late, the
presents have all been given away.
5. How can you address her like that!
She doesn’t deserve it. I must teach you how to speak to her.
6. She was
so beautiful that he dared not look at her.
7. We tried much but the
car would not start.
8. They were very rude. They should be met in the
dark street.
1. There is
2. There was
3. There were, there are
4. There were
5. There is