I would like to live in a block of flats. Have were would good neighbors which in any moment could help me. Near the house there would be a Playground. Small children would walk on it every night. A kind Concierge would say Hello! every time he saw me. Living in a block of flats is very interesting.
я хотел бы жить в многоэтажном доме. У были бы добрые соседи которые в любой момент могли помочь мне. Возле дома была бы детская площадка. Каждый вечер на ней бы гуляли маленькие дети. Добрый консьерж говорил бы Привет! каждый раз когда видел меня. Жить в многоэтажке это очень интересно.
Консьерж - человек, в чьи обязанности входит обеспечение постояльцев в гостинице или жильцов дома всем необходимым и создание для них комфортных условий.
Исчисляемые: a car, a cat, a dog, a bird, a tree, a mouse, a child, a house, a pen, a table.
Неисчисляемые: water, milk, salt, juice, porridge, soup, air, bread, snow, tea.
Delicate delicater the delicatest
bad worse the worst
little less ....
friendly friendlier the friendliest
conservative more conservative the most conservative
sad sadder the saddest
chubby chubbier the chubbiest
1) I don't know how you can stand getting up so early to go to the pool. PUT
I don't know how you can..put up with getting...up so early to go to the pool.
2) I've finally started sorting out my postcard collection. ROUND
I've finally....got round to.... sorting out my postcard collection.
3) What did you do at the weekend? GET
What did you...get up to....at the weekend?
4) I'm not so keen on skiing now I've discovered snowboarding. GONE
I've...gone off skiing...since I discovered snowboarding.
5) Why do you continue to have riding lessons if you can't afford them? ON
Why do you...carry on having... riding lessons if you can't afford them?
6) We can't delay the match any longer. PUT
We can't ...put the match off... any longer.