Джон Картер приезжает из Лондона. Он студент-второкурсник Эксетерского университета. У Джона правильный распорядок дня. Он просыпается в 7:30 и,после быстрого душа и завтрака,идёт на автобус до университета в 8:15. Занятия начинаются в 9:00 и заканчиваются в 12:30. Джон обедает в студенческом кафе в 12:45 и к 13:00 идёт в библиотеку. Джон предпочитает быть в форме,потому в 15:00 встречается с друзьями в спортцентре,чтобы поиграть в теннис. В 17:00 он приходит на подработку в ресторан Николь. В 21:00 закнчивает работу и моет ресторанную кухню. В 21:30 возвращается домой,немного учит или ужинает. Ложится спать обычно в 23:00.
1 over, out of, into, up
2 How many subjects do you study?
When do you usually get up?
Do you get up at six in the morning?
Does your friend stude Geography or Music?
3 were, were, was, was, were, were, were, was, were, were, were, was
4 I get up at 7 o'clock.
I sudy from 8 to 14 o'clock.
I go to the gym every Tuesday and Friday.
I go shopping at weekends.
I watch TV after school.
I go to school at fourty past seven.
I have a dinner at 2 o'clock.
I go to bed at half past ten.
6 goes play wash help goes starts gets works flies
7 gets, has, goes, does, goes, watches, goes
8 Mary wakes up at half past seven.
She gets dressed up before the breakfast at eight o'clock.
No, she doesn't. She doesn't go to school at eight o'clock. She goes to school at half past eight.
She usually comes back from school at three o'clock.
She does her homework in the afternoon.
She goes for a walk after homework.
She watches her favourite programme on TV.
She goes to bed at half past ten.
No, she doesn'. She doesn't have a hard day.
Our air company "Flyone" is creating a cabin crew.At the moment we are hiring a pilot.A responsible man,from 35 to 45 years old,with minimum 2 years of experience.We can guarantee decent salary,medical insurance,discounted travels and vacation few times per year.We are searching a person,who will be able to fly on long and short distances.Person who will be responsible for the safety of the aircraft,crew and passangers.A person who can react quickly to environmental changes and emergencies.
-Why did you choose Flyone airlines?
-Which qualities best describe you?
-What are your goals in next five years?
-What do you think are the most important qualities of an airline pilot?
Мы уехали из Оксфорда на третий день( через три дня) . чтобы вернуться домой.
2 was riding - saw
3 was sleeping - rang
4 was cleaning arrived
5 was working - started
6 was washing - broke
7 was cleaning - saw
8 was making- brought
9 was trying on - was talking
10 was walking - called
11 were still writing left
12 was working