When was m<span>y brother at home?
Where was there anybody?
What were y</span><span>ou glad to hear?
Where did the shildren sleep?
What did Mother turn off?
How did Olga pass her exams?
What time did the clock strike when he came?</span>
I THink about my grandfather. i dont know if i have super abilities.(способности) who can help all people. my hero is my grandpa. real heroes are in our time. he can do a lot of good things and help me and all people.many people around him are happy/
To treat угостить
(I) Will treat - угощу (буд. время)
Doing household chores is a necessary part of our life. People all over the world try to work hard. They usually have a lot of duties. I have a lot of duties, too. My parents are often tired and I must take care of them. Everybody is happy when the home is always bright and clean. Day after day I can have fun when I do my household chores. I sweep the floor, tidy my room, clean the shoes, dust the furniture, make food myself and do every kind of work. It's not easy to do every kind of work at home, but I can learn to do everything myself. When I do my household chores well, everybody in the family is happy.
Роблячи домашні справи є необхідною частиною нашого життя. Люди в усьому світі намагаються працювати. Вони, як правило, мають багато обов'язків. У мене є багато обов'язків, занадто. Мої батьки часто втомився, і я повинен піклуватися про них. Всі задоволені, коли вдома завжди яскраві і чисті. День за днем я можу веселитися, коли я роблю роботу по дому. Я підмести підлогу, акуратну мою кімнату, очистити взуття, пил меблі, приготування їжі собі і робити всі види робіт. Це не так легко зробити будь-який вид роботи вдома, але я можу навчитися робити все сам. Коли я роблю роботу по дому і, все в родині щасливий.
<span>1. Mother’s Day isn't celebrated in the USA earlier than in Britain. — Mother’s Day isn't celebrated in Britain earlier than in the USA.
2. On Mother’s Day mothers don't buy presents for their family. — On Mother’s Day children don't buy presents for their mothers.
3. International Women’s Day isn't celebrated all over the world. — International Women’s Day isn't celebrated mainly in Russia..
4. Only grown-up women don't get presents on International Women’s Day. – Girls and women don't get presents on International Women’s Day. —
5. In Russia, mothers mustn't cook a big dinner to celebrate International Women’s Day. — In Russia, men don't try to do all the housework to celebrate International Women’s Day</span>